“Chris was there to help me ... without affordable help with trademarks, it would have been really difficult for me to get my company started.”

— Karen Roos, Founder of Hireroos

“Chris and team are wonderful to work with. They have the capacity to hear their client’s needs and make a plan based upon those needs not prescribed, boilerplate responses. They are not afraid to take on the big battles, as happened to be the case with my trademark bullying scenario. I am infinitely satisfied with my outcome and would recommend T-I-L to others who may need support navigating trademarking matters.”

— Chereese Phillips, PhD, Senior Director of Research Services at Casey Family Programs

“T-I-L was instrumental in teaching me and awakening me about what an intellectual property right really is. It is through them that they got my manual copyrighted … in several languages … I am truly indebted to them.”

— Marian Bice, Occupational Therapist, Founder of Finger Fun Club